About Us
Renans Pharma is a company founded with the aim to improve quality of life by returning to the purity of nature and thus to respect health. Renans Pharma aims to be among the leading manufacturers of food supplements, developing innovative formulas as alternative treatment for all forms of disease and lifestyle caused by uncontrolled diseases.
Remedii naturiste

Health supplements
Are food products whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet and which are concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in …

Galenics, Sanitizing Products
Are pharmaceuticals for widely used reproduced based manufacturing technologies outlined above, the formula recipes well known and described in pharmacopoeia and literature, using raw materials of adequate quality (physico-chemical, biological …
Contact us
Nr. Reg. Com. J40/6670/2008
CUI: RO 23712687
Unicredit Bank
Contact details
Sector 3, Bucharest,
Postal Code 030983